Scott's dots |
Scott Linton
Composes pieces for guitar From Dundee, Scotland "Since early childhood I have loved and been interested in music, and as I grew older my passion for the guitar (in particular) grew accordingly. As an adult I worked for many years as a computer systems analyst/programmer in the NHS, and I was a single parent of 3 boys for much of this time. It was during this period (when I was in my 40s) that I started to seek out and develop melodies - this increasingly gave me a great creative outlet and sense of personal development from an otherwise hectic and often extremely stressful life. Since retiring I have created a website ( featuring pieces I have written and describing methods I use to initiate, develop and decorate melodies. I am now in the process (with invaluable assistance from Georgia Seddon who has encouraged me in this venture and is doing all the transcriptions) of preparing my suite of Melodies for Acoustic Guitar - the individual pieces will be presented in groups where one melody flows fluently into the next - this will hopefully make things more enjoyable (and challenging too of course!). And finally: since I am suffering with Focal Dystonia, which badly affects my right hand, I will be very grateful to anyone who 'picks up the gauntlet' as it were." - Scott Linton